GreenPower LED products for horticulture

GreenPower LED products for horticulture

Explore our application areas and GreenPower Products

We have products for all your horticulture needs. Explore the different horticulture application areas and the Philips GreenPower LED products to use for them.

Fruit and vegetables

High-wire vegetables, leafy vegetables, herbs and soft fruit.

Finely-tuned light recipes supply the spectrum and intensity the crop needs without adding extra heat, giving you more control over the greenhouse climate, making year-round production possible.


Cut flowers, potted plants, bedding plants and perennials.

With the right light recipe, you’ll have complete vegetative and reproductive control over your plants. Additionally, LED lighting makes it easy to manage heat levels.

City farming

Leafy vegetables and ripe fruit without daylight

Growing crops in small interior areas: LEDs make the dream possible by providing the optimal light spectrum for indoor growth, using multiple layers to maximise production.

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Learn more about LED lighting in horticulture by reading our latest articles and case studies.